Interview with Dave Dill

Interview with Dave Dill

Dave Dill is Rhode Island's one man power pop tour de force  who has been making records since the 90s. I first discovered his amazing music on back then and was mesmerized by his brilliant debut "Plastic Earth".  He has made 4 more records since then and they are all brilliant and highly recommended. 

question 1
What led you to play most of the instruments yourself on your records?
Dave Dill: Never really planned on it. I had just left my band and moved to a new place where I could set up my equipment in the basement. I had some songs that I wanted to record in a different style than I had ever done before and playing all of the instruments myself meant I could record whenever I wanted and whatever I wanted. I never even planned on anyone other than myself ever hearing them so I really felt free to indulge myself in all of my favorite influences. Also, I was able to completely pull the “ego” out of the process. That sounds strange coming from a guy who does everything himself but what I mean is…I was able to have the instruments play what the “song” needed instead of dealing with a group of individuals all in it just to get their “chops” in. Those recordings became “Plastic Earth”
Question 2
In what order do you usually record?
DD: I’ve experimented with all kinds of combinations. My goal is to make a recording where the groove feels as natural as possible or as if there actually is a whole band playing. Most times I start off with a guitar or keyboard guide track with a guide vocal and just build around it. I use a metronome or click wherever possible but sometimes I don’t if the track needs to breath more.
Question 3
Do you have everything planned out in your head or do you just shoot from the hip when crafting an arrangement alone?
DD: Most times I have a fuzzy idea of what I want to go into a recording. Then the work comes in pulling out the details. Then other times I hear very specific things in my head. What’s really fun is that sometimes when you put instruments together in a recording, you hear imaginary melodies that aren’t really there. When I hear those, I take advantage of it and actually put them in.
Question 4
What are some of your favorite one-man band albums?
DD: McCartney, Something Anything, Talking Book (mostly a one man effort), Pink Moon etc.
Question 5
How many instruments can you play in order based on proficiency?
(and a bunch of other things just for effect)
Question 6
What advice can you give the budding self-contained musician?
1. Listen to and study as many different kinds of music as possible.
2. Stay on top of technology both for producing your music and getting it out to the public (that is: if you actually want people other than you to hear it)
3. Follow your gut instinct. It is never wrong. If your gut tells you a part of your song isn’t good enough or that you can get a better sound or take: CHANGE IT!
Question 7
Whats next for Dave Dill?
DD: I’m writing and recording a new album.
Question 8
"Free Form"
Anything you would like to add?
DD: There's no replacement for being in a band if it's a good one when it comes down to the final product. History shows there's a great magic in it that just can't be fully emulated by one person no matter how hard they try.

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